It’s time to go back to school

The uniform is ironed, the shoes are polished, the bags are packed – it’s time for children to go back to school!

It’s September, which means children across Wales are going back to school after the summer holidays. Some children will be feeling happy and excited about going back to school to socialise with friends, learn and of course play. But, some children will be feeling anxious or scared about going back to school, which is going to look different because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Play in schools and childcare settings

Over the next few weeks, playing with friends will help children to feel more settled as they spend more time in school or in a childcare setting such as crèche, nursery or after school club.

Throughout the day and every day, children of all ages should have lots of opportunities to play in school or in childcare. Playing is the most natural and enjoyable way for children to keep well and be happy. It’s children’s way of supporting their own health and well-being, helping them to manage emotions and make sense of any situation.

Playing after school

It’s also important for children to have the time and space to play after school or childcare – at home and out in their community. Playing outdoors, with friends, is crucial for children’s health and happiness.

Playing is a great way for children to relax and unwind. Playing can even provide parents with an insight as to how children are feeling.

Playing has all sorts of benefits for children – physical, mental, emotional and social – but most importantly playing is fun!

Read more about the benefits of play

Staying active through play

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